Hi all...I wanted to get some thoughts on my upcoming MRI. I suspect MS and my neuro (though her suspicion is low) wants to do an MRI on my cervical spine with and without contrast.
Totally normal MRI one year ago
Long story but I had an MRI about exactly one year on just my brain with contrast and it was totally normal. At that time, I was experiencing severe brain fog, a strange headache behind my left eye, and facial numbness. I've had an issue with my left eye off and on for about 5 years where I would wake up and it would feel slow and my brain groggy and then it would wear off. It would always deeply unsettle me but I ignored it.
Electric shocks and vision problems
Two years ago I had my first child and started to experience a variety of symptoms. After that MRI last year came back clean, I had an episode this past Oct where I was waking up every night with electricity shooting through my hands. It was very painful and persisted for about 2 months. The episode started out again with that same weird headache and then, later, experienced temporary blurred vision in that eye. Then I started having non-stop muscle twitches any time my body was at rest, occasional numbness and tingling on my skin. The neuro I just saw is supposed to be an MS specialist but seemed really dismissive of my symptoms based off of my last MRI. I'm hesitant to get contrast again after all of the research I've done on GBACs and their retention in your body. I've had 2 MRIs with contrast already in the past 2 years.
Should I refuse the contrast?
Apologies for the long post... the question is whether or not I should just refuse the contrast and do the cervical MRI without. She doesn't want to re-image my brain. If I do have lesions on my spine, will they likely appear without contrast? When I raised this concern to her, she said 'oh yes, GBACs have heavy metals, good question' but then she irritably told me to follow up with the technicians to share my concern about GBACs.
Thanks for your thoughts. I feel like this is going to be a long haul and I don't want to rack up a bunch of GBACs unnecessarily... Thanks again.