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Bladder or Bowel Dysfunction

Share your experience with bladder or bowel dysfunction. Get the conversation started.

  1. I can't tell when I need to urinate. I put myself on a bathroom schedule. I have not had any accidents, but am wondering if this is a common problem.

    1. Hi ,
      Thanks for reaching out.
      I apologize for the confusion, I was responding to post (above).
      I personally have not had Botox, however mentions it has been "life-changing" for her.
      Hopefully she will get a chance to chime in here as well.
      My best, Doreen (Team Member)

    2. I have exactly the same problem.

  2. Skymom, it sure is! I have trouble urinating when I can feel my bladder is full. I used to have urgency, but I take Vesicare for that. It's good that you go on a regular schedule, our doctors say we need to void 4-7 times a day to prevent bladder infections. You're not alone 😀

    Kim, moderator

    1. Helo, my problem is the other way, I will get diarrhea out of a blue so I started using depends when we travel it is a BIT LESS embarrassing 😀

    2. Oh wow, I had that problem before losing 40 pounds! I hope you can find something that works with depends that works better. Hugs, Kim, moderator

  3. I have bladder urgency and sometimes do not make it to the toilet in time. I work full time and teach classes for adults. This is very embarrassing when I have to make an excuse, practically run from the room and then return in different clothes. I take medication but it does not work very well anymore and I know that most of the drugs can cause "brain fog". Does anyone know of, or has anyone tried anything that works well?

    1. Hello, do not feel bad I started using Depends, it is a quite underwear and IT HELPS

    2. I know the feeling, I was diagnosed almost two years ago and in the last 6 months I started experiencing this sudden urgency to empty my bladder when I go from seated to standing. Unfortunately I don't always make it. 😔

  4. Hi bahunt! I am sorry you are dealing with this issue. Our contributors have written articles on this topic. Many of the suggestions include medication, but some of the non-medical tips might be something to try! I hope this helps a little. You are not alone in this. Wishing you a good afternoon, Erin ( Team Member).

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