Anyone living with NMOSD/ Devics Disease? We want to hear from you 💚Hey there! Jada here, I help run and where we support so many living with NMO. We know SO many people have had the NMO misdiagnosed as MS. Sadly...Reactions0reactionsComments0 repliesAwarenessUndiagnosed/Seeking DiagnosisSymptoms
New to thisThis is so new to me and I’m so worried. I took a seizure in January after my phosphate was 0.2(coma level bad) but now I’m experiencing numb/tingling hands that...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesUndiagnosed/Seeking Diagnosis
Strange symptomsI have a lot of strange symptoms. From my ribs up is locked, moving my head is harder, it's so tight. Chiropractic does help and loosen me up, but then...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesSymptomsUndiagnosed/Seeking Diagnosis
Santa brought a grey cloudHappy new year! My new year's wish is that vision returns in my right eye. I awoke on Dec 29th with some optic nerve will be the 3rd time...Reactions0reactionsComments17 repliesFriends & FamilyCopingUndiagnosed/Seeking Diagnosis
Is this MS?Hello my name is Michelle and I am 39. Mommy of 4 littles. A few weeks after I had my baby last year, one night I started feeling weird. This...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesUndiagnosed/Seeking Diagnosis
Sleep Fatigue and WeaknessDoes anyone wake up from a short nap or after sleeping at night and find that you have more weakness, fatigue, or numbness than when you first went to sleep?...Reactions0reactionsComments6 repliesUndiagnosed/Seeking DiagnosisSleepFatigue
Possible symptoms (non-diagnosed)Hi guys. Every summer, I go through a few months of lethargy when it gets very hot/humid. This started around age 20 for me. I am now 30. I've noticed...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesUndiagnosed/Seeking DiagnosisSymptomsFatigue
Neuro appt coming up and testsLast year I had the experience of my symptoms being put down to anxiety or that it could be seizure activity as I have epilepsy. I really felt like I...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesUndiagnosed/Seeking DiagnosisSymptoms
New DR is leaning towards MS after years of symptoms...what do you think?I am browsing multiple forums to find people going through similar symptoms as me and looking for support we can give to one another. I have had these symptoms for...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesUndiagnosed/Seeking DiagnosisSymptomsTips & Advice
Burning SensationsHi all I'm new to this forum but wanted to reach out for help. I have a constant burning scalp and neck. I also feel like insects crawling in my...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesSymptomsUndiagnosed/Seeking Diagnosis