Has any one experience episodic partial seizures entire upper extremity leading to extreme fatigue, sense of smell changes ( loss and phantom smells of metal), episodic hearing disturbances (static) sounding like a bad phone connection when people speak or environmental noise, involuntary hand twitches?
The last 7 months has been difficult and frustrating journey of episodic symptoms and on-going testing. Seen 2 neurologist, ENT specialist and still no answers. MRI showed DVA on mid right brain. All other testing negative and normal including a 1hr EEG study. First neurologist suspects MS as MRI of the spine and disc degeneration has nothing to do with the above symptoms. Switched to a second neurologist because the location was more convenient. He reviewed my MRI results of the brain and indicated that it is rare but possible for DVA's to manifest in these kinds of symptoms. He felt this is not the case for me and my "symptoms" are "weird". He dismissed me and symptoms in which can be dangerous if I collapse, can't smell or hear danger.
I feel like giving up but my body is slowly declining. Any thoughts, personal experience and or resources are welcomed?