The National MS Society is the worst offender – posting inspiring stories about people with MS who are climbing Mt. Everest, running marathons, wrestling bears, dancing on high wires,… It makes me wonder how they think it will help them raise money to tell the world that people with MS are not only just fine, but we’re super human! I don’t feel super human very often, but I remember when I did.
I hear it a lot in forums like this one, too. It could be worse, quit complaining, change your attitude… I’ve heard all the cheerleading about it ever since my diagnosis in 1991. But here’s the thing – none of that is very helpful, because it’s like this:
You can step in a pile of dog poop and call it daisy-doodle, but that won’t change the fact that you have sh*t on your shoes. You can thank your lucky stars that you weren’t walking on your hands, but you still have sh*t on your shoes. You can refuse to be annoyed at the dog or its owner, refuse to complain even to yourself, but you still have sh*t on your shoes.
So here we are, all of us. We’ve got sh*t on our shoes and sh*t stinks.
So does Multiple Sclerosis.