I have cogfog,which is made more severe in the climate of fear that permeates my (famous) workplace, the anxiety assassinates my information retention skills, which makes me unable to excel, or even do a decent job. It didn't used to be like this. I don't want to launch into an "I used to be" song, but yeah, I had elite verbal and retention skills. Now, I can't do a job that is a veritable paint-by-numbers. It doesn't help that the culture of fear at work makes a problem I already have, worse, which in turn strengthens my fear. Vicious circle.
I am now applying for STD, for the second time in 3+ years. How do I go back, when the job itself is exacerbating me? I am currently not "out" at work, and I don't think they will be willing to find an accommodation for me, in the form of another position. I think they will claim that my restrictions make me unable to fulfill the requirements of (any) role.
I'd appreciate any thoughts, personal experiences, advice.