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Does anyone struggles with anxiety?

Since i've been diagnosed with MS (almost 4 years ago), i have issue with anxiety. It's part of my everyday life and sometimes is very hard to cope. So i was wondering is there anyone who has the same issue?

  1. Hi, ! I don't if this will make you feel better or not, but you definitely have plenty of company when it comes to dealing with MS and anxiety! There's plenty of discussion within this community about the root causes of anxiety and why it pairs up fairly frequently with MS and you are welcome to share your own perspectives and thoughts on the "hows" and "whys", if you would like.

    That said, you don't face this alone. I could share a ton of links with you on this topic, but I don't want to inundate you, so I will just share a couple. Here's one from one of our contributors and his experience with MS -- You'll see a number of comments at the end of his article from other community members, too. And here's another perspective from another one of our contributors -- Whether it's the day-to-day anxiety of navigating the world with MS or full blown, diagnosed anxiety, many of our members know what those experiences are like and often share about them on this site. I hope some of them will see you post and chime in here, too.

    If you haven't done so already, talking to a professional mental health specialist can really help, especially if they specialize in anxiety or life changing diagnoses. Spaces like this can be helpful. Also, there are reputable sites that focus on anxiety education and help. Here's one that I think is based in Australia, but has some great basic information and resources -- I know in person or even online therapy is out of reach for many of us, so I want to offer links to some self help style resources as well, hence the Blackdog Institute site.

    Again, please know you're not alone here! Reach out anytime if you have any questions or concerns. We're happy to help in any way we can.

    Best, Erin, Team Member.

    1. Yes, yes & yes! Anytime I have to go somewhere I’ve never been before, I start having anxiety about the parking situation ( Is there Handicap Parking? Will there be open Handicap space? Are there stairs to get into the building? How far is it from the parking lot to the building? Will I fall trying to get into the building?)

      These thoughts flood my mind and I will continue to be stressed out about the parking until the day arrives.

      1. I totally get it—those worries about parking and accessibility can be so overwhelming. It's like there's so much to think about before you even get there. It’s really frustrating that something so simple can cause so much anxiety, and you’re definitely not alone in feeling this way. Just know it's okay to be stressed, and you're doing your best to navigate it all. I hope it gets a little easier with time! -Latoya (Team Member)

    2. I struggle with anxiety most the time, but sometimes anxiety and me take a break for some Netflix, Disney+ or we go to CVS for a few things.

      1. I’ve struggled with anxiety for most of my life with MS. I’ve been on many medication’s for anxiety, some help, some don’t. Exercise helps, as does meditation, but sometimes the anxiety is just crippling. I was supposed to take a flight to San Diego last week, and just the anxiety of packing and actually making the trip was so overwhelming that I had to cancel. I wish I could overcome it as it affects every part of my life. Even relationships since my husband and friends don’t understand what I could be anxious about.

        1. Ugh- I can relate to you so much. Just thinking about doing certain things makes me freak out and I just freeze and shut completely down. My mind can go in a whirlwind and it take me far beyond where I mentally need to be. But it’s understandable that people close to you might not fully grasp the weight of what you're going through, that doesn’t make it any less real for you at all. Continue exercising and meditating- those are great ways to release anxiety. Just know that you’re doing your best, and sometimes that's all you can do. Stay encouraged, Latoya (Team Member)

        2. , anxiety is very real, as is the fear of flying. I have no doubt you can tackle your fears, but it will be on your timeline and when you're ready.

          Gentle Hugs, Erin, Team Member.

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