I have found myself in a spiral. I am the sole income provider for my family unit, consisting of myself, my husband, and our roommate (best friend of my hubby forever). And I am exhausted. Neither of them make any effort to clean the house or declutter. Most of the things in our house are not mine. I work 10 hour days so I can get overtime and continue to cover our expenses. But I'm exhausted. I just want some help. I just want some understanding. And I get met a third of the way, but then the testosterone or the hurt feelings kick in. So I can't push. A rock and a hard place. And I go back to work tomorrow. It's so frustrating. I love them and I love my life, but I want a little leeway. I want to be able to say that I have had enough today. I want to be able to say that I'm exhausted and need a nap today. And I don't currently have that in my life. I'm at the end of another weekend and trying to rally for work in a few short hours...