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The unknown

I have primary progressive ms. I was diagnosed 2017 . I had a couple of sideways falls , because I turned round quickly and completely lost my balance.
I have pain almost everywhere, I become very fatigued and I have the strangest sensations in my feet . It's wierd but I feel like there is something on the bottom of the soles.
I now have neuropathy and this is getting worse .
My consultant says its because I am over weight.
I have issues swallowing which at times causes me to choke , occasionally it leads to chest infections.
My bladder is not behaving as it should so I become incontinent.
I get scared for the future and what will happen . I can be a lonely place .
I do get fed up having to explain things over and over . I believe it's only ms warriors who truly understand .
At times I also have trouble speaking and forget what I was saying mid sentence. . My manager thinks that's normal ??
I always try to keep smiling because no one like a moaning friend , member of the family.

  1. - I'm very sorry to hear that you are facing these changes. It's frustrating when people don't seem to listen. I have neuropathy in my feet but if my doctor told me it was because of my weight, I would probably feel judged. I hope that you know that there is no such judgement here. Changes can be frightening as you say. I'm glad that you've expressed yourself here. Please know that the community is here for you. Best, Lisa

    1. Lisa . I am so glad that I have found this amazing community I find blaming my weight for everything is just easy . I know I gained weight but I am trying to change that ,trouble is it's not easy neuropathy is not the best is it? Still it's another little thing to cope with . Best wishes Karen ❤️

      1. - I'm so glad that you are here! I'm with you on both the weight gain and trying to reverse that. It helps me too to know that I'm not alone. Best, Lisa

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