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The tingling and the numbness...

I have been actively being mindful of my numbness and tingling sensations, they are so prevalent in my everyday life.

What are your experiences with numbness and tingling?

For me, I am now having difficulty swallowing because over half of my mouth and throat are completely numb. I have to visually check myself everyday for cuts and severe bruises that may need care. I constantly adjust my glasses because I don't feel them sitting on the bridge of my nose.

And now, when I try to take a break and relax, different sounds will cause strong tingling in various areas of my body. Higher pitched sounds cause tingling in my hands, arms and face, more bass causes lower legs and feet. It's impossible to escape.

Anytime I feel anxious, my entire face feels that cold prickling sensation while still feeling hot.

As I type this, I am experiencing the tingling in my face, my arms, and can't feel the phone in my hands or my feet or lower legs at all. It's so disconcerting. I can actually see the psychological response when my arms get the tingles... the hairs stand on end and it almost looks like I have goosebumps.

I'm not complaining, I'm not upset about it, just opening a door to candidly speak. Do any of you relate? What are your experiences?

Much love πŸ’œπŸ’œ

  1. Talk to your neurological team, I am taking gabapentin for my major numbness and tingling. It really makes a difference to me!

    1. thank you. I have been wanting to start this conversation with my neurologist, he's not really communicative. And right now, he still doesn't believe me and my symptoms, so it's been hard. I have my cervical/thoracic MRI next month, and after that will have a follow up with Neuro. It's incredibly frustrating. But I was thinking gabapentin or baclofen may help, just need the medical team to actually listen. I'm happy to hear that gabapentin is helping you, that's what I am really hoping to try.

      Much love πŸ’œ

    2. best of luck with your upcoming MRI. Keep us posted on the results if you feel comfortable doing so. We hope that you're able to have the conversation you're needing and wanting with your neurologist.
      Alene, Moderator

  2. I have been going to physical therapy and she works on my neck, arms and hands. A huge improvement.

    1. thanks for sharing! It's always wonderful to hear when one of our community members is getting results. It helps our community as a whole grow stronger.
      Alene, Moderator

    2. I'm sorry to hear that your original experience in PT didn't give you what you wanted and needed. It's frustrating. It sounds like you're going in the right direction, in the sense of going for a second opinion and specifically asking for someone who specializing in your unique need. There are so many specialists out there, sometimes it's just a matter of finding the right one for you. It can take some time, but it's often worth it in the end.
      Alene, Moderator

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