Good afternoon Lori, I have read this reply and I have read other replies to people's posts here on this forum, and I have to say honestly you are such a sweetheart! Very good at making people feel comfortable with your words, your words of encouragement! Thank you so much for your kindness and your thoughtfulness. My MRI after being rescheduled two different times is now this coming Tuesday November 22nd and although it's for and with IV sedation it's really scares the hell out of me knowing that I'm going to be inside that very small area. That's kind of why I canceled the last one but I need to suck it up and get this done that way I can have some answers and hopefully get on a treatment that works effectively. And then Monday the 21st is my dermatology appointment and I have to say that I'm very nervous about this appointment. Unfortunately with all of the symptoms that I have and the changing skin symptoms that I have I do think that I also have a type of cancer, I think you were the one that told me to get this one figured out first because it weakens the immune system the chemo. Honestly speaking it scares the heck out of me! Thank you again for being you and thank you for your very kind words.