I'm really not sure if I have MS or not but over the past 5 years I've experienced almost all the symptoms and been to specialists for most.My symptoms:
Fatigue( very bad recently)
Urinary incontinence (4 cystoscopy botox surgeries the last didn't work at all but made things worse)
Memory short term such as what I was doing, where I was going, forgetting what I was saying etc
Dizziness and weak limbs
Burning pain in right knee/ lower thigh at night.
Last week at Walmart I actually became so disorientation I couldn't find my way up front to check out bur 3 days later when I visited my Dr he said it tas a mild stroke and arranged an MRI.
I just had it yesterday and all it said was possible micovascular ischemic disease.Scattered foci of non specific T2 and T2 Flair hypersensitivity in cerebral white matter.
Should I get a second opinion from a neurologist?