Hi , sorry to hear you are going through that, I'm sure it's got to be incredibly scary. I've not really heard of that happening. I would try not to worry though! Many of our symptoms can be easily triggered by things like warmer temperatures and even stress (for more on that: https://multiplesclerosis.net/living-with-ms/what-to-know-about-ms-triggers). Getting your first few infusions can certainly be stressful and that may be the cause. If it is the same symptoms you've had in the past, just intensified and brought to the forefront again, that's likely the case. If they are completely new symptoms, then exacerbation that caused them would have likely been in the works way before you got your infusion. So try not to worry about it being caused by the infusion. It is likely just a coincidence or it's related to something like increased stress (or temps too, many of us are having an uptick in symptoms bc of the time of year it is). I suspect your neurologist thinks the same if they wish to wait for your next appointment to talk. There are times when something like this happens and many people will jump and will think "Oh the medicine isn't working" when in reality, it takes being on it a while (for some treatments, you really need to be on it close to a year for a real difference) before it really has an effect. So do your best not to worry (easier said than done, I'm sure) and please let us know if anything changes!