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I need a support dog any references?

I'm now in a wheelchair full-time and drop things constantly. Was talking with a friend that said to check into this. Really not sure where to go from here, any ideas?

  1. Hi, !

    A fully trained, certified service dog can be quite costly, but there are programs to help people get dogs that meet their needs. Here's one organization -- And here's another -- And here's another one -- The information can quickly get a little overwhelming, so I don't want to inundate you with links and data.

    While fully trained dogs can be quite expensive, you may have luck adopting a smart dog and investing in training the dog to do basic tasks for you. That's entirely doable and quite a few of our members have been able to train their pets to help them.

    If you need more resources, please let us know.

    Best, Erin, Team Member.

    1. Ability 360 and Ability Expo's are held around the country and can help with that. Phoenix AZ has one this weekend

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