I was recently diagnosed with MS about 3 months ago. Within that time, I went to have a typical number of lesions to quite a few. My neurologist refered me to a MS specialist due to the quick accumulation of lesions over such a short period of time. At this point they wanted me to switch from Tecfidera to Kisempta. However, I have to get all my vaccines (that I lost my immunity to over the course of my life, which includes a 4 week waiting period after I finish my last vaccine ) before I can start my new treatment. I am experiencing new symptoms during this time (which my doctors is trying to treat with steroids in the interim). I have about 5 weeks to go to start my new treatment. I’m honestly scared about the impact this waiting period has on my body. Every step I take, it seems like there is a new hurdle to overcome in this short period. I’m 29 and I am worried for my future. I wonder how much this disease will take over my life."