Hi, Serena24, I"m so glad you found us! I was diagnosed in 1981 after three years of the endless diagnostic process, and I was scared to death for exactly the same reasons you are! But in 1981, there were no disease modifying therapies, there was so much shame associated with being chronically ill, there was even more shame associated with being a woman having an autoimmune disease. I mean if our own immune system was attacking us, it must be our fault we were sick, right?
Well, here I am forty six years later, and guess what. We know so much more! There are so many different DMTs to choose from! And I dare you to blame a woman for having an autoimmune disease -- my own opinion is that women are so amazingly strong and resilient, the only thing that could attack a woman is her OWN immune system, because nothing else would have the NERVE. Yes, I'm joshing you, because all I really want to do is give you a big hug, and not an MS hug, and reassure you. Yes MS is very scary, but you're in a good position to look it in the face and tell it to back off. You are young, you have many choices of disease modifying therapies to take, and we know a lot about how to live well with this disease. Know you're among friends, and start learning about how to do your best with this disease. In addition to this site, I'd like to recommend Dr. Aaron Boster, who has a YouTube channel devoted to living your best life with MS. Here's a link for his channel, and a brand new video he posted today about what to do if you've just been diagnosed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERrccVrtFGk
Serena24, you are not alone. We're here for you and for all our community members. And there are 140000 folks on this forum who have some idea of what you're going through. You're not weird, and you're not crazy, even though sometimes you feel like you must be because nobody could ever have had this weird a symptom before. there's no CURE for MS. But I'm here to tell you that you can be healed, and it's my prayer that with help, you will find peace with your diagnosis, and you'll find yourself at home in your body no matter what it throws at you. After all, you are YOU, Serena24, and nobody knows better than you who you are and who you want to be. I defy any disease to stand up against that.
Much love, Therry, a Team Member