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I let my pride take complete control of me. I waited till I can now barely walk etc etc etc to file for disability. Has anyone ever got approved the first time they filled.

  1. I'm sorry to hear that you're struggling with walking now. This disease can be so challenging. It's helpful to be connected to a community like this so you can connect with people who get it. On that note, we do have several posts for disability that may be helpful for you. I'll share them here so you can see which one resonates with you most. Some are about the actually process of filing for disability and others are about the firsthand reality of this disease. I'm sure others will join this conversation that you started as well. I just wanted to make sure that I got this information over to you in the meantime.


    1. Hi, .

      Please be kind to yourself. I think so many of us are raised to be strong and "tough it out" and it's hard to let go of those habits, even when facing a condition like MS. Alene shared some great links, but if they aren't working for you (sometimes links can be wonky), please let me know and I will repost them for you.

      Some people have been approved the first time they applied for disability, but it's not uncommon to receive a denial the first time, so don't give up if that happens to you. You can always file an appeal.

      Please know you're not alone in this and we're happy to help in any way we can.

      Best, Erin, Team Member.

      Please read our rules before posting.