Do you ever have just a difficult day? One that just makes you want to shut down for a little while? One that you don't want to talk about, but desire some kind of kinship to know that you're not in it alone?
I've had a few days like this recently, that I try to hide how much I am feeling or ruminating... and it goes poorly. I'm not good with suppression (and I suppose that's actually healthy) but when I try I emote poorly. I tend to lash out inappropriately.
Difficult days... they are hard. And sometimes it just feels easier to not face them as they unfold. But I know that in truth it just complicates the mess by putting it off.
Feeling it right now, looking at difficult conversations at work the next couple of days that are triggering the younger me... I am so upset even just contemplating the outcome. I feel attacked. I feel that my new coworker just wants to take over the job that I've been excelling at for the last seven years, and she's being very aggressive with it. I feel like I don't have anyone higher in position than me that has my back. I also feel that I'm overreacting and I could have nothing to worry about. BUT it's caused me several horrible nights trying to sleep while worrying, and I just want to avoid it now. I don't even want to go to my meeting on Tuesday because I don't want to address it. I just want for everything to stop for a few moments.
I know, more emotion than anything else, but I imagine that every one here has a day, an experience, a situation, that can relate. My muscle spasticity is at an all-time high, the boat is in high seas with turbulent waters, the fatigue is hitting hard.
Thank you for letting me vent, and I look forward if anyone wants to share as well. ππ