That's Me in The Corner

This is going to be a long submission but I hope it is readable and can be read with your humor radar working! Or maybe it will be shorter than I thought.

When I was first diagnosed

I am nearly 70 years old and I got a strong prognosis of MS at 21 when I was in my 2nd year at University. I could not bear the thought of a spinal intrusion to verify it but discovered anti-depressants which made life bearable. I had a strong boyfriend but it was never mentioned between us and I had obviously decided to ignore it. I even managed to train as a primary teacher even though sometimes felt like I was cracking up.

I knew I needed to see a specialist

And of course, decided to move to London. Rather than accept what was obviously a chance for a career, as I'd been jolly impressive apparently though not able to accept any welcome and support, I ended up in East End and lived in different parts for 17 years. At age 40 I got pregnant with twins. I had to move out of London to be near their father and buy a house (thanks to my super Aunt and Uncle). I moved to a scratty seaside town. Before that, I had admitted myself to a hospital and got a proper clinical diagnosis of MS, though nobody told me there were different kinds. Years before I found out I had 'Benign MS'. The father turns out to be autistic and not keen on supporting the lads financially. Luckily I had all my disability benefits by then and a bit left over from the small inheritance.

Holistic therapy has been helping me

There is a large gap while living in London that's a tale that will be told later, but firstly, I will return to age 60. Both boys are mostly self-supporting (even if it's student loans) and I can finally afford to pay for some therapy. It is Gestalt Therapy which I hope everyone knows is a very holistic approach and though I knew I was spilling over with my unshared experiences, I also turned up with a stick, in a car with a Blue Badge. And so it began.

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