Newly diagnosed with Relapsing/Remitting MS
First, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Michele. I am 45 years old, and was officially diagnosed with Relapsing/Remittng MS on September 30, 2015. I have been working since I was 14 years old. I am still working and want to continue to do so. I am JCV positive. In the midst of starting Gilenya, but am skeptical because of the JC Virus that I tested positive for. I know there gave only been 3 cases of PML reported thus far with patients taking Gilenya, but I was just wondering if Montel Williams who has had RRMS since he was 20 years old, but they discovered it when he was 40, and now he is 58, and still uses the treatment method by taking shots everyday, that why would that not be successful for me. Anyone out there taking Gilenya, or shots to slow up the progression of their MS? Looking for opinions and experiences. Thank you all in advance for any suggestions. Also, wishing all of you a Healthier, Peaceful, Loving & Prosperous New Year! Hey, maybe there will be a miracle cure for MS in 2016. Thinking positive...
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