Mindfulness and MS
Hello, my name is Agne, I am MS Neurologist, I don't have MS, but I am seeing people with MS every week for the last 7 years.
Mindfulness-based interventions
As you have probably already know mindfulness-based interventions improve wellbeing, working memory, depression, fatigue for people with MS. The positive effect is noticeable in 4 to 8 weeks if you practice at least 6 times a week continuously.
Practicing meditation regularly
I would like to inspire you more deeply to reflect and develop greater confidence in your own body and mind and to know yourself as a whole integrated thinking, feeling and socially interacting human being. Practicing meditation regularly, you will develop a personal vision which you can put the healing power of mindfulness to practical use in your own life. Here you may find a very useful and dedicated guided meditation for people with MS on Spreaker, Spotify, and many other podcast platforms.
And for information about mindfulness and research you may explore here: https://www.facebook.com/BeeWellwithMS-107433247714593/
Best Wishes,
Dr Agne Straukiene
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