Looking good but not thinking straight.
I am writing this as I rest in my camper with the AC on, while the rest of my family (11 of them, 5 adults and 6 kids) go to a campground activity. I am not sleepy, or in pain. But I am mentally fatigued. If I have to make a decision, I am afraid I will burst into tears. Like I just did while getting money from the Expensive ATM because I didn't have the energy to go into a grocery store. Before that I was concentrating on getting 3 items at the convenience store. This can be hard when you are not thinking straight. Find the items, find the line, decide how to pay. Do you need a bag? Then head for the door. When I got to the door, not paying attention, I walked right through, cutting off the person that had opened the door to come in. As I got in my car, I realized she had said something to me and then said "You are welcome" in a sarcastic way. I am not an impolite person, I just have MS.
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