Every Day Is an Adventure I Didn’t Choose
It took 13 years and being destroyed by doctors who didn’t want to help me find out what was wrong with me to get diagnosed. I am multi-diagnosed with MS, vasculitis, and a sidebar of rheumatoid arthritis just for kicks. I waited a year to make sure they didn’t change their mind again. I’m just now grieving my limitations, loss, and future of a medical health journey indefinitely.
My symptoms continue to be a challenge
The fatigue, pain, and overactive sleepless nights keep me challenged to modify regularly. I am starting on a low-dose Zoloft and other medications while I try to maintain daily routines to maintain physical and mental health. I fall a lot!
The fatigue I experience is profound
My grandson was born a few months ago, and my daughter didn’t want me there because of her concern over me without asking if I was up to it. Emotionally that was devastating and still is. I also have to limit how much time I spend with my grandchildren because they don’t understand that fatigue wears me out more than anything.
My daily routines mean everything
I am disabled from my health issues and I haven’t driven in 13 years and I still really miss work. My daily routines are vital and when I fail it’s really hard not to go down the bunny hole. I have mastered the army crawl when my legs don’t work unaware it was a ms symptom. Every day is an adventure and I work really hard to smile through it and enjoy the smallest successes
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