Have You Done Your Homework?No, I am not channeling your mother scolding you to crack the books and get your schoolwork done. Instead, I want you to be prepared for your next encounter with your...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
I watched Grey's Anatomy and learned about MS and Deep Brain StimulationLike many of us who have multiple sclerosis, when I hear that the disease is being mentioned in media, I seek out that media. I want to see just how my...Reactions0reactionsComments3 comments
The Loneliness of MSContent Note: This article describes depression. If you or a loved one are struggling, consider reading our mental health resources page. Suffering from multiple sclerosis often involves enduring a number...Reactions0reactionsComments98 comments
Invisible Symptoms of MS: Mood SwingsLike many with multiple sclerosis, I have my fair share of problems with walking, spasms, pain, and fatigue. Some of my worst symptoms though, are not physical in nature and fall...Reactions0reactionsComments44 comments
When I'm Told, "It Could Be Worse"Have you ever been told in regard to your MS, “Oh, well it could be worse!” Yeah, I know it could be worse...but it could also be better. When I...Reactions0reactionsComments14 comments
The Straight Poop on Bowel DysfunctionIf you suffer from constipation, sudden urges to move your bowel that make you desperately hobble to the toilet, fecal leakage between bowel movements—or the entire list, like I do--then...Reactions0reactionsComments9 comments
MS In America 2016: Being Diagnosed with Multiple SclerosisThe team at MultipleSclerosis.net conducted a large, extensive survey among people living with MS, with the goal of gaining a better understanding of the many aspects of what it’s like...Reactions0reactionsComments1 comments
The Ultimate Pickup Line: "I Have MS"“Yum! This pizza is delicious! Oh, by the way, I have multiple sclerosis. Can you pass the Parmesan cheese?” “I had a lot of fun tonight, thanks for taking me...Reactions0reactionsComments20 comments
Damn, My Long Relapse-Free Streak Has EndedMy journey with MS has had some significant ups and downs. Some of the downs include blindness, complete loss of use of two fingers on my left hand (which is...Reactions0reactionsComments3 comments
What Is It Like To NOT Be Diagnosed With MS?The road to diagnosis for MS can be long and winding for many patients. I’m happy for patients who receive their official diagnosis within just a few doctors’ visits. Not...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Learning More about Speech and Swallow Dysfunction in MSMost of us are pretty well versed in the variety of symptoms that multiple sclerosis (MS) can cause, mostly thanks to our vast first-hand experience. I also have the advantage...Reactions0reactionsComments31 comments
5 Ways to Find the Best Neurologist for Your MS NeedsWhen I was diagnosed in 1986, my neurologist told me to go home and call him if I experienced any symptoms. He’d prescribe a round or two of steroids. Adios...Reactions0reactionsComments4 comments
The MS PersonaI am not sure how many of us do this but I know a lot of us do, I mean, I know I do. You wake up and you just...Reactions0reactionsComments33 comments
MS and the Unexpected Perils of ShoweringMultiple sclerosis has a knack for being extremely disruptive in the daily lives of those it afflicts. What may seem like a mundane and daily chore for most can become...Reactions0reactionsComments150 comments
Life Changes with MSI quietly made a big change in September, and on the advice of my neurologist and with the support of my family, I stopped working full-time. I’ve done this so quietly...Reactions0reactionsComments46 comments
Do You Think Normal Sounds Are Loud, Painful, or Annoying?Around the holidays, it’s fun to spend time with family and friends. However, multiple sclerosis may make it more challenging to enjoying that fun. This year my husband and I...Reactions0reactionsComments3 comments
The Unveiling of My MSTelling people about my diagnosis was something I really struggled with. I was scared people would look at me differently and that I would be seen as the “sick girl.”...Reactions0reactionsComments4 comments
Pardon Me, Excuse Me, I’ve Really Got to Go NOW!Have you ever been in line in a public women’s restroom and had someone fly past you and slip through a newly opened stall door to get to the toilet?...Reactions0reactionsComments30 comments
Lesser-Known MS EvilsI love living in a world where I can Google anything and instantly have an answer at my fingertips. It especially comes in handy when you are living with a...Reactions0reactionsComments52 comments
“That’s Normal, We All Do That!”You know what really grinds my gears? Since I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis I have been dealing with this and I know almost everyone with MS has had this...Reactions0reactionsComments49 comments