Symptoms Showing results for 'I have not been diagnosed with MS but it has been mentioned. I feel like a hypochondriac. I started having intermittent pain in my legs, mostly when...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesSymptomsDiagnosis
2 diagnosis?2.5 years ago, when I was 20, I started having some really bad symptoms. Pain/numbness in my legs and arms, stiffness and tightness (especially in my chest), extreme fatigue and...Reactions0reactionsComments4 repliesDiagnosisUndiagnosed/Seeking DiagnosisMRIs
Seeking Advice about MS I had my first mri back in 2012…symptoms, relapses, 75% of McDonald criteria was met… then next 2019 my symptoms are getting worse…a lot of new one’s, same old ones...Reactions0reactionsComments4 repliesDiagnosis
RISLesions were found on my Brain MRI that was done for vision changes and ice pick headaches all on right side. No mass or stroke noted but was told MS...Reactions0reactionsComments4 repliesDiagnosis
Should I just assume anxiety until I get a more serious/obvious symptom?Hi all, I posted something else (now deleted don't worry) but the tags didn't work so I'm going to try again, I just kinda need some advice. I've been having...Reactions0reactionsComments17 repliesUndiagnosed/Seeking DiagnosisDiagnosis
Older inactive lesions I was first diagnosed 30 plus years ago. MRI's, Spinal tap (the diagnostic test, not the band..but they were kickin' it in the day, lol). Anyway, my symptoms have continued...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesDiagnosis
I have a question about MSI had a series of MRI's last May(23) and the report revealed I had an aplastic A1 segment of the left ACA. I found out that the reason why the...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesSymptomsDiagnosisMRIs
How is MS diagnosed? Hello, This is my first time here. I had a few questions about Multiple Sclerosis, and how it’s diagnosed. I have been worrying that’s what I have for about a...Reactions0reactionsComments6 repliesDiagnosis
How to manage symptoms waiting for diagnosisGood morning all, I recently had an MRI due to migraines that showed 2 MS lesions (other lesions as well they think are mini strokes related to my migraines). I...Reactions0reactionsComments13 repliesDiagnosisPainSymptoms
#cooldownms I'm 38 turning 39 next week got diagnosed in 2021. Wheelchair bound. Very weak leg muscles, struggling with the heat but surviving....Reactions0reactionsComments6 repliesDiagnosis