I totally get that. Do you by chance journal at all? I have heard some community members mention that they journal their symptoms and flares to keep track and look for commonalities that could give them an idea of things that trigger for them. Even things like symptom felt, time, date, what was I doing, eating, drinking, how did I feel that day, temperature around me, was I busy or relaxing, where there any stressors around me, etc. Maybe that could help in starting to figure out a strategy? I'm not a journaler, at all, but I've started and forced myself to do it, and reading back on some things I'm like "wow, how was that not clear to me then?" It's definitely not for everyone and to be honest, I'm not even sure it's for me but it was worth a try. Do you journal ever ? 🧡 Warmly and thinking of you, Kayleigh, MultipleSclerosis.net team