I was recently in the hospital, went thru all of my testing, did a spinal tap - no bands but high igg levels showing inflammation, only one flare-up and lesions in two of four areas typical in MS. I went for two opinions, both said they can't technically diagnose me yet but they believe it is but since I have no bands and only one flare up they cant yet.
Side effects of Ocrevus vs. Tecfidera
The first specialist wanted to start me on Ocrevus, which his idea is since I am young and it's early on, treat it most aggressively. Ocrevus has PML and possibly cancer and breast cancer side effects which scared me but I was told for PML very low and for breast cancer if in genes and that's why need to get screenings. Also concerned that it's only from 2017 so side effects not really known but I believe they said it is 80-85% effective and the other option for me was Tecfidera. They said I believe 50-60% effective, side effects PML but also low, can be flushing, low blood count, and liver enzymes I believe.
What are others' experiences?
I was wondering if you know about them or anyone on them and how they have worked? Any side effects and if you wouldn't mind telling me what you are on and if it has worked for you? At this point I believe I need to start some treatment because the lesions are there, I had that numbness in right side of mouth and face and feel the tiredness and heat sensitivity and I was told many times catching it early makes the medicines work better. I feel like doing nothing I can have a flare-up which could have a lasting effect that may not go away which is scary to me.
Wondering your input as well. Was also thinking of getting a third opinion. First, dr was older MS specialist, 25+ years, said Ocrevus aggressive approach. Second dr just began practicing a few years and said do nothing if it were him, Tecfidera. I appreciate your time and any information is greatly appreciated.