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What do you do when one neurologist diagnoses you with MS and another disagrees?

I was diagnosed with MS in 2015 by my then neurologist. She kept prescribing me all kinds of meds for pain which sent me in a very bad experience. When I would tell her it did not help she would just insist I was not taking the meds the right way she instructed me to. Every time I went to see her she left feeling very confused and depressed. I decided maybe I should go to a different neurologist. when I requested my records it was not very clear. She did not keep records of my falls my swallowing issues and the various symptoms I experienced. So the new doctor is sending me for more MRIs. I am ambivalent about it.

  1. In 2003, I saw three neurologists before I believed my diagnosis. First my local neuro, then an MS center then a neuro ophthalmologist at a teaching hospital.

    The first neuro did not diagnose me. That was the worst experience. He saw something on an MRA (that is a test that looks at the way the blood flows from your carotid to your brain) that looked like an aneurysm, so I had an emergency cerebral angiogram. It was negative. Later, I had another radiologist look at the test and see said it could have been an artifact. Then, he did a spinal tap that came back negative. I got the bad headache after that and could not sit up for a few days.

    Next I went to an MS Center. That neuro was not sure either, but when I went for a follow up, I was having new symptoms so he told me it was probably MS.

    Finally, a few weeks later I saw the neuro ophthalmologist in UPenn in Philadelphia. That was when I was sure. A fellow interviewed and examined me. (A "fellow' is a doctor who is learning from the main guy.) Then they took my test results and went away for awhile. Then the main guy comes in with a room full of fellows to discuss my case.

    1. Hi Washin01,
      We are so sorry to hear that you've had a bad experience with a previous neurologist. As you stated you always left her office confused and depressed, as you never had any answers it seems. We are very glad to hear that you've reached out to another neurologist in hopes of finding out some answers.
      We hope that you get these answers very soon about your diagnosis and as well as a treatment plan. We're thinking of you through this difficult transition.

      Meagan, Team Member

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