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My daughter is currently on vemerty and doing very well but she's considering switching to ofatumab because it just seems to be a better choice any suggestions any thoughts

  1. Hi rrjudy
    I was diagnosed 6 months ago at the age of 46, I'm currently taking vumerity and have had no side effects or relapses. My recent MRI had shown no new lesions. Everyone needs to make their own choice on which medication they would like to take but they need to have that discussion with their neurologist or MS specialist. For me I'm happy to continue with vumerity as it's working, but that's my choice. Hope this helps a little.

    1. , I am so glad vumerity is working well for your daughter. Unless your daughter is experiencing significant side effects, I would presume that your daughter's physician would recommend sticking with her current treatment plan. As the old saying goes, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." That said, your daughter has every right to pursue whatever treatment option she thinks would be best for her and her MS. Best, Erin, Team Member.

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