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Lost …

Hi All!

I’m new to this and don’t even have a diagnosis yet so I hope I am welcome I am just lost, yesterday I posted and said it was for a friend but it was me I was just embarrassed and struggling.

Long story but 4 years ago after the birth of my son I started getting these crazy headaches and numbness tingling feelings about 6-8 months postpartum, so I went to the ER they did all sorts of testing including an MRI, they said they saw “non specific white matter on my t2/flair” but a follow up was recommended with a neuro, fast forward two days later and mt husband got me in with a top guy at the hospital he worked at.. he said doesn’t look like MS and the white matter could of been there my entire life and it wasn’t anything to be concerned about aside from complex migraines.

Symptoms faded .. Fast forward to now I had twins 3 months ago and two weeks after having them I found myself at the ER again for similar symptoms they did a CT not an MRI but recommended I went to see a neuroglosit where I live now.

I did- she ordered an MRI for the results yesterday and tonight my doctor called at 7pm and said she didn’t love the images and placement of the white matter but was less than 50% that it was MS but wants to see my scans from the previous doc 4 years ago and if they haven’t changed or moved than that’s reassuring but I’m just terrified…..

My mom has MS and the last thing I want is for her to feel she gave it to me but also I’m scared what does this do to me and my family I’m only 35 I just had babies, I jsut sit here in tears I know so many others are dealing with harder realities right now but this is mine and I didn’t know where to turn.

  1. Someone told me when I started my journey…”Don’t borrow trouble!” Meaning deal with only what’s real and what actual impact it has on your life. There are ways to deal with just about every symptom. Also this is a great community to get answers from. Good luck! You got this!

    1. hi and welcome! Don't ever feel embarrassed to come here and ask any question! We're here to help! First, I am so sorry you have had to deal with a lack of a diagnosis for so long; I know that's its own kind of torture!

      Second, I am glad you at least have some answers now, although I wish no one had to deal with MS (or whatever condition you are finally diagnosed with).

      And Third, you are already doing some very smart things -- seeking support and reputable resources. You don't have to face this alone. And ironically, we have a contributor that was diagnosed with MS as a teenager and recently gave birth . . . to triplets! She has an older son as well (here's just one of her pieces -- So, while no person's journey is exactly like another's, we have some contributor's that can really relate to where you're at right now! And pretty much all of our members can relate to that newly diagnosed stage, which can feel so overwhelming at times. Here's another piece about being newly diagnosed that I thought you might find reassuring --

      And while your mother should NOT feel guilty, as a mom yourself you know how insidious that 'mom guilt' can be! While MS does have a genetic component, researchers are still learning exactly how it it can be passed down in families. Your Mom could not have known that you would someday be diagnosed MS. Neither of you should feel any guilt. And she will understand what you are going through better than many people around you.

      Please know you are NOT alone in this and you CAN do this. Truly. Whether it's MS or another condition, you can do this. It's okay (and normal!) to feel overwhelmed, or sad, or angry, or numb, or broken or any other feelings you may have. Go ahead and let those feelings happen. And come here anytime you need some support or an encouraging word.

      Best, Erin, Team Member.

      1. Hi ! So sorry to hear what you have been through. You are very welcome here! Sadly, many people struggle to get an appropriate diagnosis in a reasonable timeframe. I cannot stress enough the importance of seeing as many doctors as you can, preferably one's that specialize in MS. As for your future, there is a lot of reason for hope. Not that there is ever a good time to get a disease like MS, but there are so many treatment options (the infusion meds are especially effective) these days (with more on the way). This really is a time of great hope if you have MS. Remember, you always have a place here, and we are happy to help in any way we can!

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