I've had ms since April 1989. I'm 55yrs. old & was born walking. I went through all the early stages of Ms to now I'm bedridden & can freely use only my left arm despite being an original right handed person. It's just 3 people in my home including me, so my husband & 32yr. old daughter assist me. I hate to ask for help to survive but my family understand. When they're finish dressing or cooking for me they leave - to finish whatever activity in their lives. I'm left Alone to find something to do usually watching TV. Public gathering has proven to be deadly thanks to COVID-19. Otherwise I would go to my monthly 2nd., Saturday 2hour ms support group meeting. My daughter & I attended this since she was 7yrs. old. She loved the cookies & juice afterwards. Our meetings were the best for making friends, sharing symptoms, phone numbers, pot luck dinner parties, summer cook-out pool parties at a member's
backyard & December's Xmas dinner parties with singing & exchanging gifts plus traveling or boating in or out the country. Covid has made loniness with Ms extra hard to handle.