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I need help

I have dropfoot and leg stiffness and I use a walker and sometimes I use a wheelchair. Is there any meds that can regain my mobility? My name is Taunya

  1. I don't know of any meds for this except botox injections. Physical therapy can be helpful if you find a PT who understands MS and spasticity. I just had two days of severe spasticity below the knee and my excellent PT was able to reduce it significantly.

    There is a device that I'm trying that sends signals up to the brain and helps to reduce or prevent foot drop. The one I am trying at PT is called Bioness L300 Go Lower Cuff. These devices are very expensive - like $5,000. My PT says that insurance companies pretty much never approve them if you have any form of progressive MS. I have CIS which is not progressive. My insurance company requires that I have 32 sessions over 3 months so $900 in co-pays and even then they may not approve it.

    But you should check with your insurance company.

    There are other brands on the market.

    1. Hi Taunya, thanks for taking the time to reach out to the community here and starting an important conversation. I don't know if you've had an opportunity to see it yet, but one of our members here wrote this article on Foot Drop awhile back that sheds some light on it. Here's a link if you're interested in checking it out. Be sure to scroll to the bottom of the article too because there's a good conversation in the comments below the article too.

      Devin also wrote an article on stiffness too, here's the link to that article.

      I hope that you find them to be helpful. As always, take what resonates and leave what doesn't.

      Alene, Moderator

      1. I have been taking Bacofen for 3 years prior to 2017, that's when my medical team and I decided that it was time to have surgery and get my Baclofen pump placed into my side. It dispenses a steady dose of medication into my spinal cord and only have to take an extra dose every so often. I'm telling you MIRACLE!!!! Best decision I have ever made!

        1. , thanks for sharing this information with (Taunya). I hope your continue to see positive results from your pump.

          Thanks again for sharing!

          Best, Erin, Team Member.

        2. it's always wonderful to hear the wins each of us experiences in managing MS. Every win is a worthy of a celebration. Thanks so much for taking the time to share it with us!
          Alene, Moderator

      2. Thank you Erin!!

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