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How I was diagnosed a month ago. I am 74.

Last year I wasn’t feeling like myself. Many years ago a neurologist diagnosed me with a neuromuscular autoimmune disease. When I began having new symptoms - I thought it was from the autoimmune disease.

After a few months, I started a list of all the new symptoms. The list grew as I felt worse all the time. I saw my PCP, explained I had a new symptom list & began reading as Dr. began entering what I read. When I finished, she turned to me and said “This may be MS.”

Within 6 weeks my neurologist had given me many MRI’s, a Lumbar Puncture and blood tests. The abnormal LP confirmed I had MS at 74 yrs old. He suspects I’ve had a mild case for many years.

Has anyone else been diagnosed as a Senior? What were your symptoms?

  1. Hi, !

    I'm sorry you're dealing with a new diagnosis, but I know sometimes it can actually be something of a relief to have a name for all the symptoms you are experiencing! We do have at least a few members who were diagnosed in their 60's or 70's, so you are not alone in this.

    I thought I would share a conversation from our forums on the topic of being diagnosed at a later age. Here's one -- Here's a relatively recent post from one of our members -- And, while this is slightly off topic, one of our contributors was diagnosed in her 50's and is now in her 70's and facing the option of stopping/slowing treatment -- Therry is really active here and you will probably see her around here in no time.

    I hope this information is helpful for you. I know being diagnosed later in life puts you in a weird position, with fewer people who can relate, but as I said at the beginning of this post, you're not alone here!

    Best, Erin, Team Member.

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