I hate to only agree with everyone else, but I can't help it in this case. I've only been diagnosed for a year and the lead up to that diagnosis and treatment was no picnic. But it's all about how you see yourself/your ability to shake things off. I'll fall, stand up and my legs are in full spasm so I look like I'm doing a clumsy Gregory Hines impression, and it's easiest to joke about it. Very few people understand the foibles of this condition, and even fewer understand that it's not the same for everybody with it all the time. Just roll with the punches and don't expect any kindness from strangers or acquaintances because that's an unfortunate rarity these days. Laugh it off if a stranger is being a putz, joke about it to your friends and relatives to halt the initial tip-toeing around in attempts to be overly sensitive, and narrow your mental support system. When all else fails, yell "SIZZLE!" when you fall in the hopes someone around you remembers Animal House in great detail.