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Blood Tests

Good morning, I was just thinking about testing and wanted to ask, are there any specific blood tests I should ask for to rule out other things? I know about MRI with contrast for brain and spine and possible lumbar puncture but what should I ask my GP as far as bloodwork to rule out other diagnoses? Thank you in advance.

  1. Hi, !

    That's a good question! So, there is no specific blood test used to diagnose MS. However, blood tests can be used to rule out conditions that share symptoms with MS, if that makes sense. So, here's some information about the conditions a doctor will want to rule out when trying to diagnose (or rule out) MS -- And, generally, a doctor will be able to request certain labs/bloodwork to rule out the conditions listed in the link I shared. The conditions run the gamut from autoimmune conditions to infections.

    I hope this helps and good luck with your tests! Please let us know how things go, if you feel comfortable doing so.

    Best, Erin, Team Member.

    1. Thanks so much. I wrote them all down so I can make sure to talk to my Dr. about what to rule out.

      1. ,
        Please keep us updated, we'll be thinking of you.
        ~Doreen (Team Member)

    2. I'm still working on my testing and diagnosis also. I have an upcoming appointment with a GP that I noted the reason as requesting testing for autoimmune disease nonspecific. In preparation, I have made a detailed list of my symptoms (this took me many days to compile) and I've tried to include information such as frequency and when I first noticed them. I've made a copy to just hand to the doctor while I keep my original so we can go down the list together and I don't forget half of what I planned to say.

      And then I made a separate list for the tests I know that I want. So far, I want the blood tests to check for AQP4, ANA, KCSF, IgL, and CRP (all related to autoimmune antibodies). And I plan to request the lumbar puncture, and the evoked potential test along with an MRI for my spine and cervical spine with contrast. I've already had my normal labs and vitamin B levels run.

      I imagine you gleaned some great information from the article, I love the articles on this site. But thought I would chime in to say that you are not alone, I'm at the same mile marker on the journey, and maybe something I noted for my plan will help.

      I'm wishing you the very best! 💜

      1. I am Blessed with a great neurologist. He is running more tests and bloodwork than my PCP. Definitely looking into other illnesses that line up with MS symptoms. Has anybody heard lately about Dysautonomia Syndrome?

        1. thank you for posting that link. I don't want to self-diagnose but feel that I might fit under this diagnosis umbrella. My neuro team is very supportive and welcomes questions. I will follow up with them after the bloodwork and discuss then. Several blood-related family members are dealing with auto immune issues, so it has now become of interest to me. As we all know, there is no definitive test for MS. Can't hurt to ask as long as one doesn't try to change current care without medical support.

        2. ,
          It's so great to hear you have such a supportive neuro team.
          From what I understand, one of the most common symptoms of dysautonomia is feeling dizzy or fainting (due to a slow heart rate).
          Unfortunately, dysautonomia (just like MS) is difficult to diagnose.
          Sending you all my best, Doreen (Team Member)

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